
Accru is committed to treating the personal information we collect in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles in the Privacy Act 1988. 本隐私政策阐述了Accru如何处理个人信息.

If you have questions or comments about our administration of your personal information or compliance with our policies, 请与我们的 国家主席.

Accru may modify this 隐私政策 from time to time to reflect its current privacy practices.



Accru收集客户的个人信息, 与我们的客户和澳门官方赌场人有关的个人, primarily to provide professional services and to effectively management our business relationships. The types of personal information we collect depends on the service we are required to provide and can include:

  • 姓名,职位,澳门赌场官网方式和地址的详细信息
  • Information in identification documents (for example, passport, driver’s license)
  • 税务档案号码和其他政府颁发的识别号码
  • 出生日期和性别
  • 银行账户详细信息、持股情况和投资细节
  • 退休金及保险安排详情
  • 学历、工作经历和薪水
  • 签证或工作许可
  • 你的配偶和受抚养人的个人信息.


Generally we collect your personal information from you directly (for example, 当我们亲自或通过电话与您打交道时, 当您向我们发送通信时(包括通过电子邮件), 当你完成问卷时, form or survey, 或者当你订阅我们的出版物时).

We may also collect personal information about you from your use of our websites and information you provide to us through contact mailboxes or through the registration process on our websites.

Sometimes it may be necessary for us to collect your personal information from a third party. For example, we may collect your personal information from your employer where they are our client, 来自您的私人代表, 另一个澳门赌场官网澳门赌场官网准则成员事务所或公开的记录.

如果您向我们提供他人的个人信息, you should only do so if you have their authority or consent to provide us with their personal information. You should also take reasonable steps to inform them of the matters set out in this 隐私政策 or any Privacy Collection Statement we give you.

如果您或其他第三方向我们提供个人资料, 无论是以电子邮件的形式, 名片或在会议中口头表达, 澳门赌场官网方式列表或其他, we have accepted this information on condition that the provider has all rights required to transfer this personal data to us and that you have granted us permission to collect, 无限制地存储和使用这些信息.


Accru持有硬拷贝和电子格式的个人信息. We take security measures to protect the personal information we hold including physical (for example, security passes to enter our offices and storage of files in lockable cabinets) and technology (for example, 访问限制, firewalls, 加密的使用, 密码和数字证书)安全措施.



Accru collects, holds and uses personal information for a number of purposes including:

  • 提供专业服务
  • 对请求或询问作出反应
  • 与我们的客户和其他澳门赌场官网人保持澳门赌场官网, 或者让他们了解我们的服务和行业发展
  • 通知研讨会和其他活动
  • 用于行政或招聘目的
  • 当与服务提供商合作时, 其他澳门赌场官网澳门赌场官网准则成员事务所, 与本公司业务运作有关的承包商或供应商
  • To manage any conflict of interest or independence (including auditor independence) obligations or situations
  • 进行调查以寻求您的反馈
  • 履行任何监管义务
  • 作为收购的一部分, disposition, 企业的合并或分离或进入联盟, 合资或转介安排, or
  • 其他与业务有关的用途.


The types of third parties to whom we may disclose your personal information include:

  • 作为业务的一部分而签约的专家或其他第三方
  • 我们的服务提供商
  • 我们的专业顾问
  • 其他澳门赌场官网事务所或MGI Worldwide成员事务所
  • 作为约定的一部分, 如果你是客户, an employee, 为我们的客户提供服务的承包商或供应商
  • 政府或监管机构或机构, 作为约定的一部分或其他方式, (for example, 澳门赌场官网税务局).

We do not disclose personal information to third parties for the purpose of allowing them to send marketing material to you, 除非得到你的明确和完全知情的同意. However, 我们可以分享非私人的, de-identified or aggregated information to them for research or promotional purposes.

We may on occasion disclose information about you to entities that are not part of Accru for market research purposes only. We will require these entities to agree to strict conditions governing how this information will be used. The information collected will be used solely for research purposes to investigate the needs and opinions of individuals or companies in relation to accounting services.


Accru is a member firm of MGI Worldwide which has over 150 independent member firms globally. 视业务性质或托收目的而定, we may disclose your personal information to other MGI member firms or entities overseas in accordance with the Privacy Act.

我们也可以储存, process or back-up your personal information on servers that are located overseas (including through third party service providers). 在某些情况下, Accru also uses third party service providers located overseas to carry out its functions and provide services. 通过向我们提交您的个人资料, you acknowledge and agree with your data being processed on Accru’s behalf by its suppliers, even in countries where the level of data protection may not be commensurate with the standard suggested by the Australian Privacy Principles.


Accru may also use your personal information for the purpose of marketing its services.

If you do not want to receive marketing material from us, you can contact us as detailed below:

For electronic communications, you can click on the unsubscribe function in the communication.
对于硬拷贝通信, you can email or call your local Accru office via the contact details listed in the hard copy communication received.

Accru可以使用供应商代表其收集数据. In such case, it is Accru’s practice to require that these suppliers handle the personal data they collect in a manner consistent with Accru’s policies and in accordance with the Privacy Act.

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